Jack “The Sock” Fleckney Finisher 35th Marathon Des Sables

Jack Fleckney

In this episode I speak with Jack Fleckney, ex-marine, entrepreneur and adventurer. Jack was one of my tents mates, Tent 55, at the 35th edition of the Marathon Des Sables in October 2021.

Through careful planning, pure determination and a will to succeed Jack managed to do what nearly 50% of us didn’t in the 35th Edition, and that was finished.

Jack suffered as much as any of us, but used several mental tactics to deal with the setbacks that put an end to my race. Certainly his background helped, but in this episode there are lessons for everyone, that can be easily applied to improve your future chances of a finish.

The Marathon Des Sables is not the end of Jack’s adventures as he plans an African Expedition and to row across the Atlantic.

Find out more about Jack’s future adventures at https://www.jackfleckney.co.uk/.

You can also follow Jack on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/jackfleckney/.